STAR’s signature offshore division is the Tigress Outrigger & Gear Tagged Dolphin Division.
The first 2025 confirmed tagged dolphin winner will be awarded $10,000 cash or scholarship.
CCA membership AND registration in STAR prior to hooking and landing a tagged dolphin, report time, time and date of catch, submitted, photo of tagged fish on a measuring board with the STAR Identifier in the photo, verification of tagged dolphin and results of a polygraph will determine the prize winners in the Tigress Tagged Dolphin Division. Only the first STAR Tagged dolphin recaptured by a registered STAR angler who is a CCA member before hooking and landing the fish during the 2025 competition dates and certified by the STAR Committee will be eligible for prizes.

1st STAR registered angler catches a tagged dolphin wins $10,000 cash or scholarship from Tigress Outriggers & Gear.
Tigress Outrigger & Gear Tagged Dolphin Division Partners
For the Tigress Outrigger & Gear Tagged Dolphin/Mahi Mahi Division, CCA Florida STAR staff and volunteers will tag and release 20 Mahi Mahi in the waters of South Florida in advance of the competition.
About This Year’s Tag
This year’s STAR tag is GREEN. Printed on the tag is the year 2025 and a tag number beginning with FL followed by CCA Florida STAR and the phone number 844-387-STAR (7827).
Winner Eligibility for the Tigress Outrigger & Gear Tagged Dolphin
Winners will be determined by time of catch. To be eligible to win, participant must be a current CCA member and registered for the competition before hooking & landing a tagged fish. To be eligible to win, each STAR-tagged redfish and the fist Tigress STAR-tagged dolphin must be reported to the phone number on the tag within two (2) hours of landing the fish. The fish with the tag still attached to the fish, must be digitally photographed on a measuring board with the 2025 STAR Identifier in the photo and electronically submitted via the STAR tournament app or website. The entire fish must be clearly seen with its nose on the zero line, providing visibility of total length of the fish and STAR tag. Electronic submission of all competition entries must also include the competition division, species, length, time, date and name of angler.
Once the photo is entered, please call the phone number on the tag. Any caught STAR-tagged redfish or dolphin must be called to the Director within (2) hours after landing the fish.
During the call the Director will instruct the angler to take the proper photos and then clip the STAR-tag nearest to the fish as possible, allowing angler to keep the Green portion of the tag. The participant will be instructed to release the fish. Angler may choose to harvest the fish if it meets FWC requirements and the season is open. Some tagged refish may not be within the slot. Verification of the tag and fish may be required and if so the angler will be instructed to take the tag and or fish to the nearest distribution location of the angler’s choice to be authenticated by the Director or an official representative of the competition committee. This must occur within 72 hours of catching the tagged redfish or dolphin or the tagged fish will be disqualified.
The Tagged Redfish and Tigress Tagged Dolphin Divisions do NOT require a STAR-tagged fish to be harvested unless deemed necessary by the Director. Some STAR tagged redfish may not be within the 18 to 27-inch slot. All tagged dolphin will be a minimum of 20 inches.
After the tag and or tagged fish has been verified the angler will be provided a scheduled time and location within the following 72 hours to take a mandatory polygraph examination.
Each participant shall be eligible to win only one prize for a STAR-tagged dolphin.
Release Location for Tagged Dolphin
The Florida Keys will have 20 dolphin/Mahi Mahi tagged and released during May in order for those fish to migrate up the east and west coast of Florida.